
From Tourism to Transport: Olomouc Region to Renew Signage of Cycle Routes

Publikováno: 24. června. 2024, 4 min. čtení
Aktualizováno: 22. června. 2024
Úvodní foto: Jiří Motýl
Publikováno: 24. června. 2024, 4 min. čtení
Aktualizováno: 22. června. 2024
Úvodní foto: Jiří Motýl

Some cycling routes in the Olomouc Region will gradually be re-signed to better meet the requirements for safe cycling transportation, not only to tourist areas but also between towns and villages.

For example, last year routes number 5 and 50 were re-signed in the region, and this year route 518 will follow. When changing the signage of cycling routes, experts will rely on a new study optimizing the transport network for cyclists in the Olomouc Region. This was announced to journalists in early June by the national cycling coordinator, Jaroslav Martínek.

The network of cycling routes in the Olomouc Region totals 480 kilometers and, according to Martínek, is the densest compared to other regions. However, the routes are marked according to a plan from 1999 to 2003, when the length of cycle paths was significantly shorter, and the emphasis in route marking was on connecting tourist destinations. “Based on the existence of this dense network, we proposed changing the philosophy so that the cycling routes connect not only tourist destinations but also towns and villages. This will increase the importance of cycling transportation,” said Martínek.

An exemplary case, according to him, is the long-standing route 6009, which connects Olomouc with Šternberk via a detour through Hrubá Voda and Jívová, reflecting the then-preference for cycling tourism. Nowadays, however, cyclists travel between Olomouc and Šternberk mainly on new cycle paths that connect the two cities in a much shorter and more convenient way.

According to Martínek, all regions agreed on the new approach to cycling route signage, and thanks to the study, the Olomouc Region has already been able to start working on it. “It’s not just about continuously making minor adjustments to the 2002 cycling network, which is based only on the idea of cycle tourism, but it’s necessary to connect the signage with transportation issues. The aim is to use newly built safe cycle paths for marked cycling routes, which divert cycling traffic from busy and therefore dangerous second- and third-class roads to these new cycle paths,” noted Deputy Governor Jan Šafařík (Allies-Coalition for the Olomouc Region).

This year, the region will invest approximately 20 million crowns in the construction and maintenance of cycling infrastructure, according to Governor Josef Suchánek (STAN). Since 2020, about 100 kilometers of cycle paths have been built or are currently under construction in the region. “Building cycle paths has many benefits for the Olomouc Region. Firstly, people can travel more safely, for example to work, and we also support cycling tourism, which in turn supports businesses. Additionally, we contribute to a better environment. And it’s also healthy,” said Suchánek.

Among the busiest cycling routes in the region are the cycle paths in Velká Bystřice near Olomouc. “In 2023, the most cyclists in the region used our cycle paths. We counted a total of 201,600 passes. We have been addressing the accessibility of the Bystřice River Valley for cycling transport since 2006, and we gradually started building all our paths,” noted the mayor of Velká Bystřice, Marek Pazdera (For a Pleasant Life).

This is an adjusted machine translation using Automat’s CycleLingo Translator (ChatGPT) of this article:

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