
Prague 6: a new two-way bike lane in Lotyšská Street

Publikováno: 05. srpna. 2024, 1 min. čtení
Aktualizováno: 30. července. 2024
Úvodní foto: V. Navrátil
Publikováno: 05. srpna. 2024, 1 min. čtení
Aktualizováno: 30. července. 2024
Úvodní foto: V. Navrátil

A two-way bike lane has been marked in Lotyšská Street in Bubeneč, Prague 6. This 180-meter-long measure in the 30 km/h zone is accompanied by a bike pictogram corridor.

Allowing cycling in the opposite direction improves the connection between Terronská Street and Jugoslávských partyzánů Street. Cyclists can cross this area and continue, for example, to the Dejvice university campus.

In this case, it took only five months from the citizen’s suggestion to implementation. The measure was approved on May 31, and implemented at the beginning of July. Interestingly, in 2022, the office rejected the same suggestion, stating that a two-way bike lane in this street would be too dangerous.

This article was published with financial support from the capital city of Prague as part of the project ‚Cyclists together for Prague‘. The project ensures systematic information about new cycling infrastructure in Prague.

This is an adjusted machine translation using Automat’s CycleLingo Translator (ChatGPT) of this article:

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