Inspiration, News,

Transport Minister Kupka tested a cargo bike, whilst another department canceled subsidies for them

Transport Minister Martin Kupka (ODS) rode a cargo bike along the Prague waterfront on October 5. The bike was loaned…

20. října. 2024, 3min. čtení
How to, Inspiration,

Prague marks cycling routes A50 and A259 in Klánovice

A new cycling route, A259, has been marked between Běchovice, Klánovice, and Šestajovice. The yellow markings make it easier to…

27. srpna. 2024, 1min. čtení

Bike lanes near Mikulov: A Dutch recipe for safety between villages?

About ten years ago, a solution involving bike lanes, commonly seen in the Netherlands, was implemented on a local road…

19. srpna. 2024, 4min. čtení

Women don’t cycle: A cycling training course to improve emancipation on the road

Have you ever thought about the gender gap in cycling? Women in Prague cycle far less than men do. This…

11. srpna. 2024, 11min. čtení
Inspiration, News, Opinion,

Interview with the co-authors of the new Ostrava cycling concept

Ostrava has a new ambitious concept for the development of cycling transport. The city’s ambition is to increase the modal…

15. června. 2024, 12min. čtení

Cycling Pearls: the Šumperk Pine Detour

From time to time, we take a look at the peculiarities, unique features, or other interesting tidbits of cycling measures…

02. května. 2024, 3min. čtení
How to, Inspiration,

8 steps to organizing a School Bike Bus

Enumerating the advantages of cycling to school here would probably be preaching to the choir. So, I’ll get straight to…

15. dubna. 2024, 6min. čtení
Analysis, Inspiration,

Contraflow bike lanes across Europe: Low-hanging fruit for the picking

One of the indicators of a city’s or country’s friendliness towards cycling is the number of one-way streets that can…

21. února. 2024, 7min. čtení
How to, Inspiration,

How does the Prague bike program for schools work?

In 2021 we reported on the municipal program offering schools the opportunity to establish bicycle racks or bike storage facilities.…

11. února. 2024, 7min. čtení
Inspiration, Opinion,

A Dutch woman’s journey to an e-cargobike in Prague – sharing the joy

Over two years ago I moved to Prague for some new inspiration in my life. I’m enjoying the country and…

06. února. 2024, 27min. čtení3

Editor-in-chief’s reflection on the year 2023 in the editorial office

The year 2023 is already becoming the distant past, so it’s high time for a few words from behind the…

25. ledna. 2024, 10min. čtení

Where can you rent a cargo bike in Czechia?

The popularity of cargo bikes, also known as „cargobikes,“ is on the rise. There are now more options to rent…

28. října. 2023, 5min. čtení

Founder of Rekola, Vítek Ježek: „I had the need for Prague to have bikesharing“

Rekola, the company operating bike-sharing systems in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, is celebrating its 10th anniversary since its first…

14. října. 2023, 33min. čtení
Inspiration, Opinion,

YIM.BA: Big Win for Bratislava. Cycle lanes on the embankment prove their significance

It has been a week (the original article was written at the beginning of september, red. note) since the cycle…

06. října. 2023, 13min. čtení
Analysis, Inspiration,

How to use 30 km/h zones: Examples from the Czech Republic

The majority of roads in cities are service and residential streets where traffic calming measures are necessary. There is no…

15. září. 2023, 14min. čtení

Ve zkratce

Nextbike rekonstruoval čtvrtinu své flotily

16. února. 2025, zdroj: Nextbike1

CzechInvest hledá manažera/ku odvětví mobility

12. února. 2025, zdroj: CzechInvest2