Where can you rent a cargo bike in Czechia?

Publikováno: 28. října. 2023, 5 min. čtení
Aktualizováno: 24. října. 2023
Publikováno: 28. října. 2023, 5 min. čtení
Aktualizováno: 24. října. 2023

The popularity of cargo bikes, also known as „cargobikes,“ is on the rise. There are now more options to rent or even buy them. If you want to try out a cargo bike or only need one for a short period, we provide you with a list of rental options in the largest Czech cities – Prague, Brno, Ostrava, and Pilsen.

Not everyone can own a cargo bike – they might not have a place to park it overnight, the purchase price may be too high, or the bike might only be needed for a few weeks a year for transporting cargo or children. Rental companies offer cargo bikes for shorter timeframes, allowing you to reserve a bike only for the days you truly need it, whether you’re transporting cargo, children, or planning an excursion. Where is it possible in the Czech Republic?


  • Endio.cz offers rental of the Riese & Müller Load 60 electric cargo bike for children and cargo. The bike has an integrated lock and was manufactured in 2022. The daily rate is 600 CZK, with longer rentals working out cheaper per day. Reservations can be made online here.
  • The Tokyobike store in Prague’s Karlín district offers the rental of the Riese & Müller Transporter cargo bike. Rentals are available for 2 hours (600 CZK), 4 hours (890 CZK), a day (1490 CZK), or longer. Bikes can be picked up during the store’s opening hours, and reservations can be made by phone or online. More information can be found here.
  • Ekolo.cz allows the rental of the Riese & Müller Packster 40 electric cargo bike for 1 to 14 days. The daily rate is 1135 CZK. The bike is located near Prague Airport in Prague 6–Ruzyně. More information can be found here.
  • Zelení (The Greens) lend their electric cargo bike to their members and supporters. It was manufactured in 2013, and the rental is free. The bike is stationed at Hrdinů Square in Prague 4. For more information, contact info@zeleni.cz.
  • Cargio offers long-term rentals of electric cargo bikes. These rentals are for periods longer than 14 days. More information can be found here.


  • Cargio offers long-term rentals of electric cargo bikes here, for durations longer than 14 days. More information can be found here.


  • Cargo Bike Daddy store also operates a rental service. You can rent Urban Arrow Family or Tern HSD electric cargo bikes, as well as child trailers. A 2-hour rental of an Urban Arrow costs 550 CZK, while a full day is 1190 CZK. The price for the Tern HSD is slightly lower. More information can be found here.
  • Cargio also offers long-term rentals of electric cargo bikes here, for durations longer than 14 days. More information can be found here.


  • The Plzeň na kole (Pilsen on a Bike) association rents out electric cargo bikes of the „Christiania“ type. The price is 40 CZK per hour, with a maximum of 400 CZK per day. The bike has a basket for 4 children or a payload of approximately 100 kg (80 x 50 x 50 cm). The bike is parked at the DEPO2015 area. More information can be found here.

Other Locations

In other major Czech cities, there aren’t many options for renting cargo bikes. You can try:

  • The store and rental service Little David’s, also known as Spolu v jednom kole, in Český Ráj offers the rental of the Urban Arrow Family electric cargo bike. It is available for a day (1200 CZK), a week (2500 CZK), a weekend (4000 CZK), or a month (9000 CZK). You can pick up the bike in Rovensko pod Troskami. If you rent it for longer than a week, the rental service will deliver the bike to you. More information can be found here.

And what about you? Do you own a cargo bike? Are you considering buying one or at least renting one? Have you tried renting one abroad? Share your experiences in the comments.

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