A new cycling route, A259, has been marked between Běchovice, Klánovice, and Šestajovice. The yellow markings make it easier to navigate around the Klánovice forest in the eastern part of Prague.
In addition to dozens of yellow directional signs for route A259, the marking also covered related cycling routes A440, A50, and A500, as well as signs pointing to local destinations. Cycle pictogram corridors were added in Všestarská Street and near the Běchovice train station. These markings alert drivers to the increased presence of cyclists and help cyclists stay on course.
The newly marked section measures 4 kilometers. Heading towards the city center, route A259 continues through Běchovice and Horní Počernice, where it ends and connects to cycling routes A44 and A25.
This is an adjusted machine translation using Automat’s CycleLingo Translator (ChatGPT) of this article: https://mestemnakole.cz/2024/08/praha-v-klanovicich-vyznacila-cyklotrasy-a50-a-a259/
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