
What are the city districts planning: Prague 18

Publikováno: 10. srpna. 2023, 3 min. čtení
Aktualizováno: 11. srpna. 2023
Publikováno: 10. srpna. 2023, 3 min. čtení
Aktualizováno: 11. srpna. 2023

It has been over six months since the municipal elections, and we are asking the transport councilors of Prague districts 1 to 22 about their plans regarding cycling infrastructure. We continue with the city district of Prague 18, which has a population of 22,000 and includes the Letňany housing estate. Stanislav Nekolný, the transport councilor from the ANO movement, answers our written questions.

Are there any plans in your city district for the construction of new cycle paths, marking bike lanes, or legalizing cycling routes? Where?

We are working on connecting Letňany with the Čakovice and Kbely cycle paths through the Havraňák project. In our district, the Korzo Letňany cycle path is currently undergoing approval.

Do you plan to improve the accessibility of your city district for cycling? For example, by implementing contraflow cycling lanes, perhaps within 30 km/h zones? Our readers suggested Ostravská, Tvrdého, or Šumperská streets.

We are planning to improve Ostravská Street, which connects to Korzo Letňany.

Is there a plan to increase the number of bicycle racks on the streets?

Yes, that falls under the responsibility of Ms. Lukešová and Ing. Šilhavá.

What about bike-sharing? Are you aiming to have a denser network of bike-sharing parking facilities?

We are not pursuing that.

Which construction or change in this current election term will have the most positive impact on pedestrian and cycling traffic in your city district?

The completion of Korzo Letňany and the connection to Havraňák.

How else do you intend to improve cycling conditions in your city district?

We believe that the current network of cycle paths and routes is already sufficient for bicycles.

Which foreign city serves as an inspiration for you in terms of transportation?


Do you ever travel around the city by bike?


Do you follow our magazine?


Thank you for the interview.

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