On Na Hřebenkách Street, which is part of the ascent to Prague’s Strahov hill, an advisory bike lane has been added. The new measure has also improved pedestrian crossings and added parking spaces.
The new advisory bike lane on Na Hřebenkách Street is 550 meters long and covers an elevation of 35 meters. In the downhill direction, cyclists can ride alongside other traffic thanks to the rapid descent.
At the top, the bike lane connects to the existing bike lane on Turistická Street, which was established in 2020. There is currently no connection at the bottom, with a 320-meter bike lane on Zapova Street located 300 meters below. That one was created last year.
After years, the challenging ascent from Holečkova Street to Strahov can now be covered on an almost continuous bike lane. Out of a total length of 2 kilometers, there remains a 300-meter gap in the bike infrastructure.
This is an adjusted ChatGPT translation of this article: https://mestemnakole.cz/2023/09/stoupani-na-strahov-v-ulici-na-hrebenkach-pribyl-cyklopruh/
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