
Brno presented an analysis of shared bicycle usage

Publikováno: 09. února. 2024, 4 min. čtení
Aktualizováno: 07. února. 2024
Úvodní foto: Brno
Publikováno: 09. února. 2024, 4 min. čtení
Aktualizováno: 07. února. 2024
Úvodní foto: Brno

The Transport Department of the Brno City Municipality has prepared a clear presentation of the analyses regarding the use of shared bike services in the city in 2023. The city financially supports bike rentals, offering citizens the opportunity to borrow a bike for free for 30 minutes twice each day from Spring to Fall. The shared bikes in the city are operated by the companies Rekola and Nextbike.

According to the municipal presentation, in the Moravian capital in 2023 a total of 276 thousand kilometers was covered on shared bikes, with an average single ride being approximately two kilometers. However, there were exceptional cases of longer routes, some exceeding ten kilometers. „The longest rides led from the shopping center Olympia to the Brno Reservoir. Two users who completed this route took a trip across the city, renting the bikes for more than 2 hours,“ stated the Brno City Municipality.

Where do people go?

In the spatial analysis of rides, it is evident that the busiest corridor is the route between Veveří and the city center. Along this route, there is also a relatively low chance of finding a shared bike at a station. Brno provides interesting data on the usage at individual stations. For example, at the elevated square of Náměstí Míru, bikes essentially disappear back into the valley immediately after being docked. Conversely, at lower-lying stations in the valley, there is a tendency for bikes to accumulate.

Individual rental locations can also be divided into transportation and workplace categories. While bikes accumulate at transportation locations overnight and gradually disappear with the arrival of the workday, at workplace stations, bikes start to accumulate with the onset of working hours. A typical representative of a transportation station is Mendelovo náměstí, where more bikes leave in the morning. Conversely, at the Vlněna Office Park station, bikes arrive with the start of the workday and disappear again in the evening.

The municipality also points out that with the gradual development of the shared bikes service, the network of stands and return locations across the city is increasing in density to prevent issues with chaotic parking.

The number of rentals

The most popular months in terms of the number of rentals were June and September. The system was utilized by a total of 14 thousand unique users, with the majority being people who rented a bike only once; most users borrowed a bike a maximum of 50 times during the season. The most active user managed to rent a bike 1300 times. The average was approximately ten rentals per user for the year 2023. Bikes are most frequently rented around 8 a.m. and in the afternoon between four and six, especially on weekdays. These data indicate that shared bikes in the city primarily serve a transportation function.

The analysis of bikesharing in Brno

The entire analysis by the Transport Department of the Brno City Municipality is available on these pages [in Czech].

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