At the end of May, Brno selected the contractor for the reconstruction of Údolní Street, a significant urban thoroughfare in the northwestern segment of the city center. As part of the reconstruction, a bike lane will be added in a section of the street, including a bicycle bypass at the Obilní trh stop in the direction towards the center.
„The first work on the reconstruction of the remaining section of Údolní could begin in the second half of the summer. The exact date will be clearer after discussions with the contractor. We anticipate completion 17 months after starting. The reconstruction will continue from where the first part ended, at the intersection with Úvoz. Workers will focus on the sewer and water systems, the roadway, sidewalks, public lighting, tram tracks and trolleybus lines, as well as the boarding islands,“ stated Brno’s mayor, Markéta Vaňková (ODS).
The work will be carried out by the company Údolní od Husovy po Úvoz, comprised of Firesta Fišer and Dopravní stavby Brno. The contract value is estimated at 364,919,923 CZK excluding VAT. „They succeeded with a bid price of 364,919,923 CZK excluding VAT. We plan to create new bike lanes on both sides. As part of the construction, 1380 m² of service areas, parking lanes, and other spaces will also be built, corresponding to approximately 110 parking spaces. The contractor will also add greenery, for example,“ said Deputy Mayor René Černý (ANO).
Compared to the previous stage of reconstruction towards Kraví hora, which only brought a sharrow on the incline in addition to a better surface, this stage promises more significant measures for cycling traffic.
An advisory bike lane will be added along the entire length from the Úvoz trolleybus stop to the Joštova intersection. The bike lane is planned to be 1.5 meters wide. In the direction towards the city center, car traffic will be routed on the tram tracks. In the direction from the city center, car traffic will use the tram lane only up to the Obilní trh stop. From the Obilní trh stop, car traffic will have its own lane separate from the tram tracks, 2.75 meters wide, alongside which will be a 1.5-meter-wide bike lane.
The bike lane disappears before the Úvoz intersection. At the intersection, there are bike boxes. It is worth noting that this reconstruction does not plan to restore the pedestrian crossing that was removed, which attracted media attention in 2014. However, a narrow sidewalk will be added along the nearby passage.
An interesting feature is the solution for passing the Obilní trh stop. While in the direction from the city center a classic stop island is designed, which is bypassed by all traffic in a 3.5-meter-wide lane (which, incidentally, according to TP 179 is not an ideal width as it can lead to dangerous overtaking), in the direction towards the city center, the stop will function as an island only for bicycle traffic.
Thus, cyclists will not have to cross the tram tracks, as a bicycle bypass will be constructed. This bypass will take the form of a one-meter-wide bike lane made of asphalt. The sidewalk will be paved with concrete tiles, so the bicycle bypass will be made of a different material than the pedestrian areas.
This article is supported by the Ministry of the Environment. The content may not reflect the views of the Ministry of the Environment. The project aims to raise awareness about conditions for cycling through regional reporting in the online „Městem na kole“ magazine.
This is an adjusted machine translation using Automat’s CycleLingo Translator (ChatGPT) of this article:
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