
The bike path between Prague and Kralupy to follow the left bank

Publikováno: 27. října. 2024, 7 min. čtení
Aktualizováno: 25. října. 2024
Úvodní foto: Jiří Motýl
Publikováno: 27. října. 2024, 7 min. čtení
Aktualizováno: 25. října. 2024
Úvodní foto: Jiří Motýl

The Central Bohemian Region’s plans for the Vltava River bike route between Prague and Kralupy currently focus on the left-bank section. Further developments on the right bank have been postponed due to the town of Řež’s opposition to building an asphalt path on its land.

According to the main cycling route plan of the Central Bohemian Region, the Vltava route in northern Prague was initially intended to run along both banks of the river between Prague and Husinec. This bike path is part of the European EuroVelo 7 and Czech route No. 4, with the main city routes A1 and A2 feeding into it from the left and right banks. Between Husinec/Řež and Máslovice, the regional concept only proposes a left-bank route through Libčice. From there, the path would again extend along both banks toward Kralupy.

That’s the concept. In reality, a comfortable bike path from Prague to Kralupy is currently only available on the right bank up to Klecánky, after which cyclists must climb up to the plateau near Vodochody. On the left bank, there are currently more fragmented sections, such as the recently renovated path from Žalov to Úholičky.

The region has now announced a focus on building the bike path along the left bank of the river. The planned new path between Klecánky and Husinec-Řež has been delayed due to opposition from the local municipality.

Řež opposes the bike path

Plans to continue the path past Klecánky were halted due to discussions between the Central Bohemian Region and the town of Husinec-Řež, which opposes the bike path on its territory. “The town of Řež and some of its residents are firmly opposed to having a bike path in their area,” stated Regional Councilor for Public Transportation Petr Borecký (STAN).

The mayor of Řež, Michaela Peigerová (Together), explained to Městem na kole why the path is unwelcome: “A bike path along the right bank of the Vltava would significantly impact a large portion of our residents. The riverbank is already heavily used for recreation, providing space for various activities, and we don’t feel an asphalt bike path is needed. We also aim to preserve the natural character of the landscape, protect nature, and safeguard species like the dice snake, which is commonly found in the area. A key reason for our stance is safety: an asphalt surface would lead to increased traffic and higher speeds, posing a direct risk to pedestrians, children, parents with strollers, and pets…”

Peigerová further described the communication with the region: “We tried for several years to discuss the entire situation with the region, but without significant results. In 2023, we were presented with a proposal we disagreed with, which did not take into account previously submitted comments. At a public hearing held in September 2023, our residents’ concerns about the project were voiced. As a result, the entire project was halted, and we are publicly portrayed as those who blocked the bike path. Our suggestions for alternative routes were not considered, nor was the fact that an asphalt bike path is planned on the opposite bank. Our side of the river could instead provide an option for recreational use within a natural landscape.”

The Region considers the left-bank option

The Central Bohemian Region is now focusing more on the connection on the opposite bank. As mentioned, according to the regional master plan, the key section of the Vltava bike route between Řež (specifically Úholičky) and Libčice is intended to run along the left bank of the river. The delay in addressing the Klecánky – Řež section primarily affects the short connection between the planned left-bank route to Libčice and the path running along the right bank from Prague’s A2 bike route.

The region is now prioritizing the completion of the route from Libčice nad Vltavou through Úholičky, Roztoky, and Sedlec. It has also reached an agreement with the capital city that if the bike path is extended to Sedlec, Prague will ensure its continuation all the way to Stromovka.

Anna Batulková, coordinator of cycling routes for the Central Bohemian Region, stated that the bike path will follow only the left bank of the Vltava River from the Řež train stop. The bike path project is currently undergoing consultation with relevant authorities and landowners. The new path for pedestrians and cyclists will span approximately 3 kilometers between Úholičky and Libčice, running between the railway and the river. Construction could potentially start as early as 2025.

In the Úholičky – Libčice section, engineering work is currently underway. Most of the required land is not privately owned but belongs to the Railway Administration or the Vltava River Authority. In the lower section, between Prague and Roztoky, private land ownership issues are currently being addressed, as most of the proposed route runs through private properties.

In both sections, the path is planned as a 3-meter-wide asphalt trail for both pedestrians and cyclists.

This article is supported by the Ministry of the Environment. The content may not reflect the views of the Ministry of the Environment. The project aims to raise awareness about conditions for cycling through regional reporting in the online „Městem na kole“ magazine.

This is an adjusted machine translation using Automat’s CycleLingo Translator (ChatGPT) of this article:

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