
What are the city districts planning: Prague 21 (Újezd nad Lesy)

Publikováno: 03. srpna. 2023, 4 min. čtení
Aktualizováno: 29. července. 2023
Publikováno: 03. srpna. 2023, 4 min. čtení
Aktualizováno: 29. července. 2023

From the municipal elections, more than six months has passed, and we are asking the representatives for transportation of Prague districts 1 to 22 about their plans regarding cycling transportation. We continue with the municipal district of Prague 21, which has 10,000 inhabitants, including Újezd nad Lesy. Libor Václavík, the representative for transportation and safety from ODS, responds to our written inquiries.

Are there any plans in the coming years to construct new cycling paths, designate bicycle lanes, or legalize cycling passages in your municipal district? Where?

Yes, the plan includes connecting Ježovická – Oplanská, beneath Dubinský Pond, primarily for non-motorized transportation, linking to the existing route in Ježovická and the newly projected route from Běchovice.

Do you intend to further improve the permeability of your municipal district for cycling by implementing contraflow bike lanes? Our readers have suggested Rápošovská, Holšická, Hodkovská, Lomecká, and Chmelnická streets.

Yes, we continue to consider implementing these measures, always in coordination with the Czech Police, to ensure sufficient width and visibility conditions. Nevertheless, we consider ensuring pedestrian safety as a more urgent goal, particularly considering that most streets in our district lack sidewalks.

Is there a plan to add more bike racks in the streets? Where?

Yes, mainly at destinations such as train stations, schools, kindergartens, shopping centers, parks, and rest areas along cycling routes.

What about bikesharing? Would you like to introduce it in your municipal district?

For our municipal district, it doesn’t make much sense. The bikesharing model implemented in central Prague would likely not be functional here.

How else do you plan to improve conditions for cycling in your municipal district?

In line with the above-mentioned responses.

Which construction or change in the current term of office will have the most positive impact on pedestrian and cycling transportation in your municipal district?

The construction of a shared pathway for pedestrians and cyclists along Staroklánovická Street, heading towards the ČD train station (ending at the intersection of Staroklánovická and Zájezdská streets), with the planned overall reconstruction of the Staroklánovická roadway in the adjacent section, from the aforementioned intersection to the train station.

Which foreign city serves as an inspiration for you in terms of transportation?

I don’t have a specific place or city as a role model or clear inspiration. I like to draw inspiration from specific solutions in different locations.

Do you ever travel around the city by bike? Why or why not?

Personally, due to work-related reasons, I mostly have to navigate through Prague, even in the city center, by car. Whenever possible, I gladly make use of shared scooter services. In Prague 21, I primarily travel on foot.

Do you follow our magazine?

No, but I would be happy to take a look.

Thank you for the interview.

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