In the future a two and a quarter-kilometer-long trail for pedestrians and cyclists is set to connect the outskirts of the Brno district of Bosonohy with the university campus. Brno city councilors approved the investment plan on January 24th. The reason for this is the intense automobile traffic on Jihlavska Street and the absence of any other safe connection.
The new cycle path is expected to run from the eastern part of Bosonohy, more or less along Jihlavska Street, and end at the building of the Moravian Regional Archive. From there, one can continue to other parts of the city along significantly less busy streets or paths.
Brno’s deputy mayor for transport, Petr Kratochvíl (ODS), stated that 22,000 cars pass between Bosonohy and Bohunice every day, and many drivers avoid the D1 highway by taking this route. Despite the traffic, 200 people pass through here every day on bikes as well. However, it is likely that many potential cyclists are hesitant to enter such traffic. The cycle path will utilize existing infrastructure but will also partially run on a new separate track.
Currently, the estimated cost is 43 million Czech crowns, and the acquisition of several plots of land is necessary. South Moravian road authorities are preparing the repair of Jihlavska Street, and the city plans to coordinate the construction of the cycle path with them. The construction timeline is not yet clear. The Bosonohy town hall has been advocating for the construction of a cycle path to Kohoutovice since last year.
You can find the investment plan in the GIS map of Brno here.
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