
Brno residents exhaust budget for shared bikes, demand continues to rise

Publikováno: 08. října. 2024, 3 min. čtení
Aktualizováno: 06. října. 2024
Úvodní foto: MMB
Publikováno: 08. října. 2024, 3 min. čtení
Aktualizováno: 06. října. 2024
Úvodní foto: MMB

Two free 30-minute rides per day. That’s how Brno supports bike sharing, which people have been using for the second year now. This year’s initiative will end on September 30, as Brno residents, with their increased cycling, have exhausted even the expanded budget.

Brno signed a four-year contract with  bikesharing providers Rekola and Nextbike, allowing users to rent a bike twice a day for 30 minutes for free. The city covers the cost of the rides to the bike sharing companies. For the cycling season, from spring to autumn, 2.4 million CZK was allocated, with the possibility of increasing it up to 4 million CZK. However, this year, even the increased funds are not sufficient.

„While last year the funds were enough to cover all rides from March to October, this year people are using bikes much more frequently, and the supported period will end at the end of September due to the exhaustion of funds. In the peak period from May to August, the number of rides increased by almost 20%. Unfortunately, due to public procurement law, we cannot simply and flexibly increase the contract limit to continue reimbursing rides. However, for next year, we aim to optimize bikesharing support and increase the budget for this project,“ said Transport Councilor Petr Kratochvíl (ODS).

The city piloted the supported bike sharing rides in 2022. As the offer was well-received and attracted almost 10,000 new users, the city signed a Framework Agreement with the providers for 2023–2026 to continue the bike sharing service. By offering free bike rentals, the city aims to motivate those who don’t own a bike or want to try cycling in the city first. The project also provides valuable data for the city, giving insight into popular cycling routes and areas in Brno that should be prioritized when planning cycling infrastructure. This helps target future improvements and ensures a safer and more comfortable passage for cyclists through the city.

Bike-sharing statistics in Brno for the current year

Additional statistics from this year’s bike-sharing program:

  • Steady growth of new users (8,000 this season).
  • The most rides occurred in June (27,000 rides = 900 rides per day).
  • 140,000 rides supported by August.
  • Compared to the same period (May–August) last year, rides increased by 20%, and compared to the pilot year of 2022, they are up by 40%.

The report is based on a press release from Brno City Government.

This is an adjusted machine translation using Automat’s CycleLingo Translator (ChatGPT) of this article:

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