How to improve cycling conditions? The Knowledge Base by Cyklisté sobě offers advice

Publikováno: 08. září. 2024, 7 min. čtení
Aktualizováno: 28. srpna. 2024
Publikováno: 08. září. 2024, 7 min. čtení
Aktualizováno: 28. srpna. 2024

Are you looking to improve cycling conditions in your area? Are you concerned about the planned redesign of a main street? Do you want the city to implement contraflow bike lanes when modifying streets? Would you like to communicate with authorities but don’t know how? AutoMat, in collaboration with the Prague-based community Cyklisté sobě [Cyclists for themselves – eds.], has created a knowledge base: a guide to effectively improving cycling conditions from the public’s perspective.

You can find the complete and up-to-date version of the knowledge base here.

[The database, as well as the documents in the URLs in the article below, are all in the Czech language. Where English language version are available, we have added them. – eds.]

Legislation, Standards, and Sample Comments

The knowledge base was developed in response to a request from the community for tools to facilitate more effective communication with authorities, particularly for easier commentary on proposals for general measures, which are often quite inadequate in terms of cycling infrastructure. We offer this collection of knowledge, tools, and services to those who intend to engage more actively with authorities and politicians.

The knowledge base contains links to selected laws, standards, and technical conditions useful for communication regarding cycling measures or commenting on proposed changes to traffic signage. It also includes tools such as map services, a directory of official notice boards, an accident map, and more. Templates for submitting comments will be available upon request for serious users.

Below, we list some of the links currently available in the knowledge base. We will continue to add more tools and guides: also based on community requests, so feel free to contribute your suggestions.

Reporting issues and problems, Prague

Guides related to commenting on projects and providing feedback


Tools for commenting on projects and providing feedback


  • – an aggregator of official notice boards from many municipalities in Czechia, with an option to set up email alerts.
  • Map by Městem na kole (state of infrastructure, screenshots)
  • Streetmix – a simple web tool for drawing street profiles, you can easily click through and create visually appealing designs.
  • – a map of accidents recorded by the Czech police, with the ability to filter accidents involving cyclists.
  • ČUZK map services including viewing services for GIS. [ČUZK – THE Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and the Cadaster – eds.]


Standards and Regulations

Basic Standards and TP

Other for Czechia:

  • Law 361/2000 on Road Traffic
  • Directory of issued Technical Conditions in the field of transportation and TP, downloadable from the website, includes:
    • TP 65 – Principles for traffic signage on roads
    • TP 81 – Designing traffic signal systems for road traffic management, addendum no. 1
    • TP 100 – Principles for orientation traffic signage on roads
    • TP 103 – Designing residential and pedestrian zones
    • TP 132 – Principles for traffic calming on local roads
    • TP 133 – Principles for horizontal traffic signage on roads
    • TP 189 – Determining traffic volumes on roads


Something missing?

Do you use other maps, websites, or tools in your negotiations on cycling measures, refer to other standards or laws, or know of important court rulings? Would you like to add another type of resource to the knowledge base? Is there something missing that you would like to see a guide written for in your negotiations on cycling measures? Write in the comments or email

This is an adjusted machine translation using Automat’s CycleLingo Translator (ChatGPT) of this article:

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